• Rank: # 3rd Univariety
  • 4464

St. Xavier's College, Kolkata

St. Xavier's College is owned and managed by the Jesuits of the Calcutta province of the Society of Jesus. With the registration of Catholic Mission of West Bengal (also known as Calcutta Province of the Society of Jesus) under the Societies Registration Act 1961, the ownership of St. Xavier's College was vested with this said Society from its registration in 1973, and it was administered by a Governing Body constituted as per statutes of Calcutta University. In May 2005, the Founder Body initiated the registration of a new Society, in the style and name of St. Xavier's College Kolkata Educational Trust. The administration and management of St. Xavier's College is now brought under this Trust with effect from 1st June 2006, and the day-to-day administration is vested with the Governing Body, as per guidelines of the UGC for Autonomous Colleges with minority character.


# 3rd

Univariety 2013

Economics & Commerce

# 4th

India Today 2013

Art & Design

# 5th

India Today 2013


# 6th

India Today 2013

Economics & Commerce

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{{college.address.substr(0,30)}}... {{college.address}} | Estd. {{college.year_established}}

Rank: {{ '#' + college.ranking[0].rank + " " + college.ranking[0].source_name}} --


Dates for Applications

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{{deadline.month}} {{deadline.date}}, {{deadline.year}}* - {{deadline.label}}

* Tentative dates. Actual dates will be updated soon

Coming Soon


St. Xavier’s Kolkata has been ranked as the 2nd, 4th and 5th best college in India; for Commerce, Science and Humanities studies respectively; according to India Today’s best colleges in India 2012.  The Science department has fallen one place from 3rd in 2011 to 4th in 2012.  However, the college has consistently featured amongst the first 5 of the top 10 colleges since 2007.  The Humanities department has climbed two places from 7th in 2011 to 5th in 2012.  The department has regular featured among the top 10 since 2005.  The Commerce department is the most well known department in the college.  It has been ranked 2nd best in 2012 and 2011.  It was usurped from the top spot by Shri Ram College in 2011.  Getting admitted to the college is not easy, and one needs to secure merit marks to be eligible for admission.
Main College Library : Books from the Main Library are lent to students only under the control of the Senior Professor in each Department.
Class Rooms
Class rooms are large and capable of accommodating a large number of students without cramping. They are surrounded by large spacious verandahs for students to move and breathe freely. No loitering please !
Hostel accommodations are available for the boys,just 10 minutes away from the College, at 219/1 J. C. Bose Road.
Computer Facility
Offices, laboratories, library are all computerised for providing faster and better services..
Cyber Room
SXC Cyber Room is now equipped with high speed (4MBPS Leased Line) Internet Connectivity.
The services are available to the Cyber Club Members only.
The Central Research Facility was initiated in the Arts and Science Department since October, 2009. It has deferent instrumental facilities like - 800C Deep Freeze, Spectrophotometer, Water treatment plant, Water Analyzer, Stereo Microscope etc. It Primarily provides advanced research facilities to different Departments and there by fosters Inter Disciplinary research. The centre is open everyday between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m.10.00 on week days and on Saturday between 10.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m
St. Xavier's College has highly equipped Physics, Chemistry, Statistics, Computer Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology Labs.
The stage has always been held in great honour at St. Xavier's. For an educational institution an auditorium is not just a venue for school and college events, or merely a meeting place, it is a space where a corporation of students and scholars congregate ---- to celebrate, to debate, to discuss and sometimes even to mourn collectively.
The canteen is the candid informal yardstick of evaluating the pulse of any campus. St. Xavier's is no exception to this cult. Anyone who enters our canteen can feel the exuberance of our college students.

Popular Hangouts
There are many things that students of the college like to get up to.  It would be impossible to describe all the student activities and hot spots; however one can talk about the popular hangouts in and around college.  The canteen, the “Green Benches” is a popular Wi-Fi enabled student hangout area.  Fr. Joris’s corner; a stationery shop are also some of the places students can be found winding down.  The “Green Benches” are the most impressive amongst all the other hangouts and they are popular all over the study; since the canteen serves good food, and is home to intellectual conversations.
The placement cell at St. Xavier’s Kolkata was set up in 2004.  It acts like a one point contact for all the companies interested in employing students of the college (‘Xaverians’).  It conducts workshops and pre-placement-talks (PPT).  The placement cell has been very successful since its inception and has sourced many top talents to top companies.  Mr. Niladri Sinha is the professor in charge of the cell.
There are many facilities at St. Xavier’s which the students can avail of, some of them include
     •    Offices
     •    Library
     •    Laboratory
     •    Cyber room
     •    Hostel
     •    Classrooms
     •    Computer facility
     •    Auditorium
     •    Canteen
     •    Central research facility

Contact Details

St. Xavier's College, Kolkata

30 Mother Teresa Sarani, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 700016

Phone: + 91- 33- 2255-1101
College Website