8/10 Schools  That started working on their alumni in the last 1 year chose to partner with Univariety.  Aug 3, 2022

So, why do most schools choose Univariety? 

Trusted by 350+ Schools

Increasing Importance of having an Alumni Network

Having an active alumni network isn't just about nostalgia; it's about fostering a sense of community, providing valuable networking opportunities, and tapping into the expertise and resources of former students. Know more about how to build an alumni program.

As schools increasingly recognize the importance of an active alumni network, they are turning to Univariety for a multitude of reasons. 
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Our Partners Love Us

Having an active alumni network isn't just about nostalgia; it's about fostering a sense of community, providing valuable networking opportunities, and tapping into the expertise and resources of former students. 

Want to Stand Out From Other Schools
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Stats on impact created by us

  • 54%

    increment in admissions from alumni impact program

  • 86%

    increment in University admissions from CGS program

  • 42%

    increment in University admissions from CGS program


* Marked fields are mandatory

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