Right Guidance for Student Success

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Right Place, Right Time, Right Framework

Univariety’s Career Guidance System is supported with 5 strong pillars, that bring 5 different perspectives in the decision making process.

  • The key here is not just career guidance, it is Informed Decision Making.
  • Being informed about the careers out there, the scope of those careers, that leads to better outcomes.
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What Are These Outcomes?

Outcomes for students are Grade-wise as each grade offers a unique perspective in a student’s career journey. With each grade, a student, through the career guidance program is assisted through specific outcome-oriented activities.

  • Grade 9 - Self Discovery and Shortlisting of Careers.
  • Grade 10 - Finalizing Subjects & Careers and Shortlisting of Countries.
  • Grade 11 - Finalization of Country and Exams, Shortlisting of Colleges.
  • Grade 12 - Finalization of Colleges
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Recent Stories

  • A School’s Journey of Growth and Potential Jul 25, 2024
  • To Charge Or Not To Charge Jul 19, 2024
  • Heard about the Happy Fee? Jul 17, 2024
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