Remember Nokia?

In the early 2000s, Nokia was everywhere; almost all of us used it at some point. Despite being an iconic brand, Nokia missed some crucial market trends around "smartphones" and went bankrupt fast. Some important points to be noted here-

  • Nokia paid the ultimate price for not acting fast enough on the important market trends. 
  • While everyone thinks about Return on Investment (ROI), the Cost of Inaction (COI) is a much more important metric.
  • Not taking action can have dire consequences even for big brands like Nokia.  
  • Today, certain trends are creeping up in educational institutes & proven solutions are being ignored. Want to know more? Let's connect. 
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Marketing is expensive?

The customer acquisition cost (CAC) from digital marketing has gone up by 75% in the last 5 years. In the education industry, the success stories of your students pull attention. The below points are the most important ones when it comes to successful marketing-

  • If the students' success stories are distributed through all platforms, they can reduce the "cost per lead" significantly & improve the conversation rates to enrolment. 
  • Do your success stories reach those who are "looking to take admission" in an impactful way? Connect with us to get more clarity. 
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Do you know that? 

Do you know that school finances are under pressure? With financial fees being capped and no extra revenue from selling books, uniforms & other materials, schools are facing significant budget constraints. To overcome it, the below points can be taken into consideration-

  • One of the best ways to raise money is through Alumni contributions. 
  • When a school delays the Alumni fundraising part, about 4% of the total potential is lost. 
  • By investing in a structured & consistent Alumni engagement program schools can tap into the full potential of financial benefits. 
  • To understand how to take actions that lead to significant results, talk to us today. 
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  • Ratan Tata - A Pioneering Alumnus Oct 17, 2024
  • Highlight Alumni Success in 60 Seconds Oct 14, 2024
  • What Gets Alumni To Open Their Wallets Oct 07, 2024
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